Thursday, July 28, 2011

Just some "not-so-interesting" news!

Starting a new adventure in the Bautista house.  I will be the pseudo-mommy for 3 little ones under the age of 4 months (equal to being the mother of triplets!), a 2-1/2 year old little girl, and a 12 month old little boy.  Four of the 5 children's mothers are teachers, so I won't have them when school isn't in.  Sure hope this old body can make it all day every day! 

My BFF bought me a new bike yesterday.  Pretty, pretty, pretty!  It is white with some foam green/maybe light teal, (hard to describe color) flowers!  LOVE IT!  Joe and I have been trying to ride, but the weather is not cooperating.  Hard to ride when it is 95 and above.  Just can't get into it with the heat.  Wish we had the time after it cools off to take a few days/weeks and ride and ride and ride.  I guess that will be in our next life though.  We are planning a ride in September and maybe a ride in October over his fall break.  Sure hope it all works out.  He kicks my butt when we ride, but I really love it.

Moving on to Joseph.........sure do wish we would hear from him.  It has been weeks since we have had any communication, and I absolutely HATE it.  I keep having these horrible dreams about him.  Can't wait until he gets back on American soil.  I'm sure he has lost a TON of weight and is so, so tired and hot.  Hang in there baby, there is a light at the end of your tunnel and a family who is anxious to see you.

Now Christina..........we finally bought her a car, and she gets it today!  It is so pretty, and the best part is she REALLY likes it.  It is a Chevy Cobalt and is a very, very pretty sky blue.  Great car for her, and Joe got us a really great deal on it too!  She leaves Saturday for hiking on the Appalachian trail .  She will be gone for 8 days, home for 4 days and then off to Colorado for 9 days to visit a girl friend and then to visit her Uncle Larry, home on the 20th and then back to school on the 21st.  She is a traveler!!!  So glad she can go and do.

Daniel........registered him for school this past Monday.  Why do public schools cost so stinkin' much?  $256.04!!  That doesn't make sense to me.  At least we have him home for another 2 years.  I'm going to be so sad when there aren't any children left.  He starts 2-a-days in tennis on Monday!  Something inside me says he is not really looking forward to that.

Joe starts school on the 15th and he is dreading it so much.  I wish he could retire and find something that has absolutely NO stress and is mixing paint at Lowes or greating people at Wal-Mart or bike riding cross country with me!  Like I said.....maybe in our next life.