Thursday, January 27, 2011

4 days and counting........

Here it is January 27th, 4 days until the first of the month.  CHECKMATE!  And....I'm not the winner in this game of chess.  I have had no job opportunities knock down my door.  I haven't even had a soft, muffled tapping on the window either.  I've filled out a bunch of applications.  In fact, this morning, I spent 3-1/2 hours doing an assessment test for another medical transcription company.  I have to say it was a very difficult job.  The voice files were horrible.  There were SIX of them.  My foot pedal wouldn't work.  I had to use the stinkin' F (no I'm not just abbreviating the F word here....literally the F keys!!!) keys on the keyboard.  Do you know how hard it is to type and control the voice files with your fingers?  Not an easy task.  Cardiology, orthopedics (yep easiest for me), OB/GYN (some chick had a fibroid the size of Manhattan), neurology (poor kid had seizures), general surgery, and ENT.  If I don't hear something from someone in the next 5 or 6 days, I guess this tired, old, fat mommy is heading over to the local Wal-Mart and putting in an application.  YUCK!!!  I have no other options.  AND I'll have to work in the evenings.  Tell me that doesn't suck BIG TIME.  So, pray that a mommy or daddy will call (a few mommies or daddies) for babysitting in the next 5 days or this transcribing company calls me in the next 5 days and offers me a job.  Pray that after I receive the call offering me the job that it pays at least 0.10 a line.  One thing I can honestly say is that I have the best cheerleader here at home.  Joe is such a trooper and is very understanding and kind.  He has confidence that it will all work out and everything will be okay.  What a great comfort to me!  Thanks my BFF!!!  I like having you in my corner!

And Mary, I'd  absolutely LOVE to open that bakery with you.  I'm into decorating cakes now and think that would be such a fun job.  You could be the scones queen and I could be the cupcake/cake queen.  However, you realize, of course, we would have to get a liquor license?  We could NOT possibly stand on our feet all day cooking marvelous bakery items without having a margarita or glass of wine, right???  The guys could be our guinea pigs, I mean critics.  Sorry Joe and Mike.......

So here's to the last 5 days of my 13-year "career" with Southern Indiana Orthopedics. 


  1. I just know that things will work out! As long as Joe is in your corner, you can face whatever comes. Keep the faith!

  2. It certainly helps when you have someone supporting you, giving you encouragement. Drinking while baking is a given! At least at the end of the day, close shop, sit back and have a drink to celebrate another day doing what we love!

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