Tuesday, March 15, 2011

During a drought, it's really dry......when it rains, it pours!

First off, did I spell drought right?  When you spend all day typing medical terminology, real words don't look quite right.  If I didn't spell it correctly........you know what I mean.  I've gone over 1-1/2 months without work.  Lots of rejection emails and no prospects really of any work.  I FINALLY got a call last week and was offered a job.  However, if you read my previous post, you know that things didn't quite work out the way they should have.  Needless to say, I didn't end up with that position (stupid electronics).  Well......last week, actually the day after I realized that THAT position wasn't going to work out, I got a call from the head honcho from the OTHER company that I had the phone interview with a couple of weeks ago. Yes, this is the one that I lied about my pretty blue book being in the car!  Long story short (really this is the short version Joe), I was offered the position with this company that had over 100 applicants and they only hired 4!!!  That afternoon I got 4 roses delivered, 3 red roses and 1 white rose with a sweet card saying "Congratulations 1 of 4!" from my BFF.  (That one gets its own page in the scrapbook)  This position gives me a much warmer fuzzy feeling than the other one did.  The other one......independent contractor and I had to pay taxes,  this one....EMPLOYEE!!!  The other one.....Sunday through Thursday, this one.....MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY!!! No more weekend working.  The other one......no paid vacation or holidays, this one.....6 paid holidays and 1 to 2-1/2 weeks of paid vacation!  The other one......multiple ESLs, this one..........NO ESLs!!!!  The other one.....no benefits whatsoever, this one.....full benefits (yeah I know we don't need medical and dental) including vision, free $15000 life insurance, 401K, 3 days bereavement leave with pay (don't plan on using ANY of that), and reimbursement for MT certification.  The old one.......no pay for training, this one......pay $12.75 an hour for the 1st week of training, 125% of your pay per line for the 2nd week, 115% of your pay per line for the 3rd week.  Now that's what I'm talking about girlfriend!!  I know I won't be making what I made with my other work that I've done for over 13 years, but I won't be working on the weekend, when 2 pm comes my day will be over, vision insurance, no self-employment taxes to pay.  Now when I say "when it rains, it pours" I mean this......I got another email and call from a voice recognition editing company (she's called twice and emailed me twice) but I told her nope.  Got another email from a company that is wanting overflow work.  I thought maybe this would be just a few hours per week and I could do it just for some extra money.  It's more than part time.  I've emailed her back and told her I was really only looking for just a few hours per week.  She emailed back saying she needed someone at least 25 hours a week.  Really?  I'm not working 65 hours a week AND babysitting.  Wonder Woman has left the building!  Also, I got a call for babysitting.  Things are looking up for the Bautista family........and I REALLY love my BFF Joe!  Happiness is......... Now I just wish the gang bangers that Joe teaches would spontaneously combust and intelligent students would appear in their ashes.  I think he would enjoy teaching a lot more if that were to happen. 


  1. You kept the faith and God did the rest!

  2. That is so wonderful! I am so happy for you. Maybe some of your "rain" will fall my way... hear that ppl who want a home in GA.. it's time!"

