Monday, March 21, 2011

first day jitters!!

My first day on the job today.  Boy did I have stomach problems up until 1:30 this afternoon.  That was the time to start training.  Thankfully, my trainer started off the training period with "Just so you know.....I haven't had my cup of coffee today."  I knew right then that she was a keeper!  Very sweet and patient lady.  We were on the phone for a little over  2 hours.  I was then cut "loose" to start producing.  My first doctor was an infectious disease practitioner....a specialty that I have never transcribed before.  However, a piece of cake pretty much.  I feel so much better knowing that this day is over.  The bad news is that in 2 weeks I am going to be put on my "permanent" account which is an orthopedic account with a brand new platform that no one has ever worked on.  Training all over again.  That's okay....I have a job now and I think I'm going to be really happy with this one.  It is a small company that has been in business almost 20 years.  They have less than 100 employees.......hence over 100 applications and only hiring 4 for my position!!!  I have high expectations for this company and this MT job.  I'm feeling so much better this evening, and now I think I can go enjoy a little something to eat!!  First-day jitters are flushed......literally!!!!

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